Geodrop OAuth 2

In the Geodrop world some concepts will be named by their Geodrop's name instead of OAuth2's.

Thus, instead of "Resource Owner", "Client" and "Authorization/Resource Server", we'll talk about "User", "Application" and "Authorization/API Server".
Other concepts, will keep their OAuth2's name, i.e., "Authorization Endpoint", "Token Endpoint" and "User-Agent".
OAuth2 employs four different mechanisms, called "flows", to authenticate and authorize clients, however only three of them are meaningful for the Geodrop System (i.e. Authorization Code, Implicit and Resource Owner Password Credentials).

These are the entities involved in the OAuth2 flows:
Definition Description
User is the User's web-browser used to access the Application.
Client native applications (Resource Owner Password Credentials flow) have their own interface the User can access directly, without the aid of a web-browser.
Application if native, it is accessed through the device it is running on. If user-agent-based (e.g., JavaScript), it is downloaded from some public URL and executed in the User-Agent. If web application, it is accessed through some public URL and executed on a third-party server.
AuthorizationEndpoint is a public URL to access the login page of the Authorization server.
ResourceServer is another role played by the API Gateway, where it is acting as a proxy for the API or other components of the Geodrop System.
Not all of them are involved in all the flows.

The flows described in this document, were adapted to the Geodrop System. For a description of the original OAuth2 flows, see OAuth 2.

Authorization Code

The diagram below summarize the OAuth Authorization Code protocol in order to access to a specific resource.
The Geodrop Endpoints for this scenario are:

  1. The user access an application in order to use a Geodrop resource
  2. The application redirect the user client to a login page on the Geodrop authentication server,
    the user inserts his data and if succeded, then the user client is redirect to a previously given URL
    with a parameter code that contains the authorization grant necessary for request the access token
  3. The application call the Geodrop authorization server in order to obtain the access token
  4. The authorization server returns the pair <access-token, refresh-token>
  5. Now the application can call the resource requested by the user
List of Endpoints for this protocol flow
Endpoint URI Params
Name Mandatory Note
response_type yes Fixed value: code
client_id yes
redirect_uri no if not specified will be used the app default URI
scope no At the moment all values will be ignored
state no
Note: basic authentication with client_id/client_secret needed
Name Mandatory Note
grant_type yes Fixed value: authorization_code
code yes the authorization code previously obtained
client_id no if present must match the value expressed in the basic authentication header
redirect_uri no if not specified will be used the app default URI
scope no At the moment all values will be ignored
Refresh https:/
Note: basic authentication with client_id/client_secret needed
Name Mandatory Note
grant_type yes Fixed value: refresh_token
client_id no if present must match the value expressed in the basic authentication header
refresh_token yes refresh-token previously obtained with a access-token
redirect_uri no if not specified will be used the app default URI
scope no At the moment all values will be ignored
Here is a JSON example of an access token response:
"expire_in":"< unix-timestamp >",


This flow is optimized for Application implemented as JavaScript code to be executed in the User's client.
The figure below shows how it works.

  1. The user access an application in order to use a Geodrop resource
  2. The application redirect the user client to a login page on the Geodrop authentication server,
    the user inserts his data and if succeded, then the user client is redirect to a previously given URL
    with a parameter access-token that contains the access token necessary for call API
  3. Now the application can call the resource requested by the user
Endpoint URI Params
Note: basic authentication with client_id/client_secret needed
List of Endpoints for this protocol flow
Name Mandatory Note
response_type yes Fixed value: token
client_id yes
redirect_uri no if not specified will be used the app default URI
scope no At the moment all values will be ignored
Here is an example of an access token response given as fragment URL:
< redirect_URI>#access_token=<32-hexadecimal-digits>&token_type=bearer&expire_in=< unix-timestamp > 

Resource Owner Password Credentials

This flow is optimized for application implemented as native application running on some device (cell-phone, PC, etc.).
The figure shows how it works:

  1. The user access an application in order to use a Geodrop resource
  2. The application request an access token to the Geodrop authentication server, if succeded,
    then the API will return to a previously given URL with the pair <access-token, refresh-token>
    that contains the access token necessary for call API
  3. Now the application can call the resource requested by the user
Endpoint URI Params
Note: basic authentication with client_id/client_secret needed
List of Endpoints for this protocol flow
Name Mandatory Note
grant_type yes Fixed value: password
username yes
password yes user password
client_id no if present must match the value expressed in the basic authentication header
redirect_uri no if not specified will be used the app default URI
scope no At the moment all values will be ignored
Note: basic authentication with client_id/client_secret needed
Name Mandatory Note
grant_type yes Fixed value: refresh_token
client_id no if present must match the value expressed in the basic authentication header
refresh_token yes refresh-token previously obtained with a access-token
redirect_uri no if not specified will be used the app default URI
scope no at the moment all values will be ignored
Here is a JSON example of an access token response:
"expire_in":"< unix-timestamp >",